Additional Resources

Creativity at Work

Why We Need Innovation

The call for innovation in business has never been more intense. Here is a list of the top ten reasons for why we need innovation.

Quotes for the Workplace

Quotes to stimulate the mind and bring a smile to the face of a coworker.

Creativity in Life

Nurture Your Creative Capacity

A pleasant reminder of how wonderful it is to embrace your own creativity.

Creativity in the Teaching and Learning Process

What You Value, You will Get!

“I was fortunate to teach for a principal who brought in people from around the country to ignite the flames of creativity and imagination within our school. I have never forgotten the lessons learned there on how to make creativity a part of the lives of students and teachers.”

The Creative Conductor

Here is a great idea for using-the-vocabulary-of-one-field-and-applying-it-in-another

Teaching Creatively or Teaching for Creativity

As I read the thoughts and reflections of the teachers in my graduate classes, my thoughts go back to my first encounter with what it means to be a creative teacher.

Creativity in Education Models

A quick summary of some of the models 

Creativity for Families

Home Activities for Creativity

Children like to use their imaginations to think in new ways.  There are many ways this can happen while engaging to regular family activities.

15 Ways to Promote Creativity with Your Child

A quick look at this chart will give you at least one way to promote creativity with your child.
